Avainsanat: bösendorf, nuotit, oyster, piano, rakennekynnet, ranskalainen manikyyri, scarlets walk, toast, Tori Amos, tuunails
Tänään oli kynsienhuoltopäivät, ja minulle tehtiin aivan ihanat kynnet ranskalaisella manikyyrillä, Tuunailsista, Kokkolasta.
Samalla kynsiä lyhennettiin, ja pääsenkin treenailemaan Tori Amoksen lemppari biisejä. Löysin facesta ja youtubesta YANTA:n,
hän tekee nuotit Torin biiseistä, ja meilasi minulle kaikki ne biisit jotka toivoin ♥
– Scarlet –
Today I got new nails from Tuunails.
At the same time we shortened the nails, so I can finally start parctising my favourites songs from Tori Amos. I run into YANTA at youtube, and follow her on facebook. I asked if it was possible to get the notes. She asked me wich ones? Eeehh…let me see…so many lovely songs by Tori Amos to choose from. She mailed me several notes, so I´m gonna be busy playing Toast, Scarlet´s Walk, Silent all these years an Oysters among the other songs.
♥ Thank You YANTA for making us other possible to play the lovely songs by Tori Amos ♥
This is what I´ve been talking about, when people do good things, they will always come around to You. Keep on Yanta!
Love them!!! Had mine done too.